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After School Clubs

Breakfast Club

At Weston Shore Infant School we offer a breakfast club called ‘Start Sporty’.

Start Sporty runs from 8am to 8.30am and costs £3 per day with a discount for siblings.  Start Sporty is available free of charge for families who have children at Weston Park Primary.  This is to help parents get older siblings to Weston Park on time.

Children can participate in a range of sporty activities each day.  A healthy breakfast is included.  At 8.30am children are taken to their class.

After School Clubs

We offer a range of after school clubs to suit all interests.  After school clubs run from 3pm to 4pm daily.  Sessions cost a £1 a week apart from football club which is £2.30 per week.

The Spring term club timetable is as follows:

Monday – Arts and Crafts Club

Tuesday – Board Games Club

Wednesday – Cheerleading Club

Thursday – Football club (external provider at school)

Friday – Gardening Club

If you would like your child to attend Start Sporty or any of our after school clubs please contact the school office to enrol.