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At Weston Shore Infant School and Weston Park Primary School, we want our children to be inquisitive and to question the information they are presented with to further their geographical understanding.

By the time children leave us in Year 6, we want them to:

  • understand where they are located within the world as well as within the British Isles
  • to be able to use a range of tools to understand their location
  • to know about human and physical processes and why the world looks how it does
  • to know that places compare and contrast
  • to be mindful and respectful of rich and diverse cultures
  • and to understand the impact humans have on the world and seek to address this.

How Geography is taught at Weston Shore Infant School and Weston Park Primary School

Geography is an exciting, enquiry-led subject that helps us better understand the people, places and environments in the world.

The programme of study for Geography states “a high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives”.

Our Geography lessons link with other subjects through our curriculum. This way we ensure that it has a purpose and ties in with other experiences.

We ensure that school trips and real life experiences tie in with our geography lessons, providing children with a contrast to our urban setting at school.

SMSC and philosophy in Geography

SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. This is at the heart of our curriculum and we want our children to make safe choices and develop a deep spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. We actively look for links to this.

We also teach P4C, Philosophy for Children, and we want our children to have the chance to discuss and debate in an open-minded manner.

Read more about our curriculum.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Geography