The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is something we use to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils at Weston Shore Infant School. It is calculated by the number of children entitled to Free School Meals at the school.
Pupil Premium
How does the Pupil Premium work?
The Pupil Premium is a specific grant based on school census figures for pupils. The school will use the latest evidence-based research on proven strategies which work to narrow the attainment gaps and adapt these as necessary to meet the needs of our pupils.
The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium funding will support us in creating a fair education and achieving our vision for all pupils.
The school will use the grant to support these children, which comprise pupils with a range of different abilities, to narrow any achievement gaps between them and their peers.
We also recognise that not all pupils eligible for pupil premium funding will have lower attainment than their peers. In such cases, the grant will be used to help improve pupils’ progress and attainment so that they can reach their full potential.
Find out more in this video explaining our Pupil Premium Policy.
Our three-year strategy plan
The Weston Schools Federation takes a longer view of the support the grant provides and is based on the long-term approach to the pupil premium planning recommended by the Department of Education (DfE) and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).
The plan is aligned to our School Improvement Plan priorities. This enables us to implement a blend of short, medium and long-term interventions and align pupil premium use with wider school improvements and improving readiness to learn.
Setting priorities is key to maximising the use of the PPG.
Our priorities are:
- Ensuring high quality first teaching is in every class
- Closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers
- Providing targeted academic support for pupils who are not making the expected progress
- Addressing non-academic barriers to attainment, such as attendance and behaviour
- Ensuring that the PPG reaches the pupils who need it most.
Pupil Premium spending
We publish how Pupil Premium money is spent at Weston Shore Infant School. See the documents at the bottom of this page.
Eligible pupils
The school encourages our parents and carers to register for PPG in a sensitive and supportive manner, and to remove any potential barriers or stigma attached to claiming benefits to having a low income.
We recognise the vital role that parents and carers plat in the lives of their children. Eligible children receive additional support in order to ensure progress in core subjects.
The school recognises the fact that pupils with Free School Meals are not a homogenous group and cover a wide range of needs. They may receive support individually or with other children and may not receive this for the entire school year.
Monitoring and reviewing impact of the Pupil Premium
Annually reviewing a one-year Pupil Premium Plan and creating a new plan each year is time costly and ineffective. This three-year approach allows us to dedicate more time up-front and introduce light touch reviews annually.
During a light-touch review, we will review the success of each intervention, based on evidence, and determine the most cost effective approach moving forwards – adapting, expanding or ceasing the intervention as required.
We expect all members of our school community to be committed to raising standards, having high expectations and narrowing the attainment gaps for all our pupils.
Read our Pupil Premium Policy