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SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disability

Weston Shore Infant School is a fully inclusive and accessible school where every pupil is treated and provided for as an individual.

Throughout a child’s time at school they may experience a range of issues such as difficulties with aspects of their learning or social, emotional, behavioural needs, or require extension support if they have been identified as able, gifted and talented.

Video: SENDVideo: SEND


Mrs Nicki Windle is the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO).

You can contact Nicki by emailing or calling 02380 448962.

Miss Kelly Tench is the schools’s Assistant Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (Assistant SENDCo) and can be contacted via the School Office.

Find more contact details and sources of information in this SEND video. You can also find our SEND policy, SEND information and other information on our the policies page.

How we support children

If children are identified as having a special need, the SENDCo, class teacher and parents or carers will work together to ensure that they receive a personalised plan that states very clearly the needs of the child and the appropriate support/provision that the school will put into place, to ensure the needs are met.

These plans are reviewed at least half termly by the Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant and shared with parents and carers where contributions are welcomed.

The SENDCo has access to a range of outside agencies (educational psychology, education welfare, school health, social services, speech and language therapy, etc), which are used as and when appropriate to support and offer advice on how best to support individual pupils and families.

The majority of children with special education needs or disability will have their needs met by the school through Quality First Teaching alongside carefully planned intervention and support.

The school has ramps and accessible toileting facilities and aims to make arrangements for specific needs as required.

Senior staff routinely monitor the progress of all children to identify those at risk of underachievement. We recognise that needs are sometimes affected by other factors which are not educational but nevertheless impact on learning. These are identified as far as possible and addressed appropriately using additional processes and other strategies.

For more information please watch this video about SEND support available at Weston Shore Infant School. You can also download this information at the bottom of this page.

For further information about the Southampton City Council local offer please follow the link below:

Southampton SEND Local Offer.

Education Health Care Plans

In a very small number of cases a child’s needs may require a request to be considered by the Local Authority for an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Parents and carers are involved at all stages of this process.

These plans are granted in cases whereby children are deemed to require provision that is outside of the remit of Quality First Teaching and this provision is bespoke to the individual.

Weston Shore Infant School is committed to working to enable these pupils to learn in a context that best suits them, making sure they remain at the centre of all we do. Making provision for these children is a challenge as each individual child requires a different approach at different times while helping and encouraging them to achieve a good standard or education.

Our children with EHCPs and those being assessed are provided with a carefully planned provision and curriculum that is personal to them. This will include enabling them to access teaching and learning alongside their classroom peers, as well as precision interventions to meet their specific needs and enrichment activities. These could include gardening, cookery, practical science investigations and creative activities and more, offering a raft of opportunities such as developing cross curricular links, social development and skills development.

Curriculum provision is based on the needs of the pupils and is part of a wider plan of support led by the SENDCO.

Our rationale for our EHCP provision is that we offer these children at Weston Shore an education that enables them to:

  • Achieve the best possible educational outcomes – holistic and rounded; enabling every learner to be the very best they can be.
  • Develop strong positive attitudes and resilience.
  • Make the best possible positive engagement and progress in their learning and development.

Find out more in this video overview of the school’s SEND report. You can also download this information as a PDF on our policies page.

SEND Complaints

The school follows an agreed complaints procedure and this will be followed for any complaints that relate to children with SEND.

If you have a query or complaint regarding your child and their special educational need please initially talk to the class teacher/phase leader. This query will then be discussed and resolved or passed on to the SENDCO.  Our SENDCO welcomes working with parents / carers and, as such, is always happy to meet to discuss needs and provision.

If you remain concerned or you still need further support please contact the Headteacher or governing body via the school office.



Abbreviations used in this report:
SEND – Special Educational Needs or Disability
SENCo – Special Educational Needs Coordinator